Self Love

I’m content and happy and healthy and happy and I love everything and everyone

Everything is sacred

I love everything 

I love you 

I love myself the most

I’ve been loving so much recently I don’t know what to do with it

I didn’t know I had the capacity to love this much

I need a major similarity or I’m going to live 

I feel like my singularity point is close 

I just know how much more I can take 

Of this wonderous life

I fucking love it here

I love it everywhere

I think I love you so much I want you to live

I love you so much I could love you more

But I really should live, heal, and rebirth myself .

-Christopher Andres Nunez

31 Years to Be Me

It’s hard to believe that I’ve been here this long. What seems to be such an extensive and winding journey is really just a short and minuscule flash in an infinite expanse of chaotic entropy.

This relative perspective doesn’t make my life any less meaningful, but in fact provides the profound foundation for a life of abundant and endless enlightenment.

I constantly say that I feel thousands of years old, but after today, I feel trillions of years old. My atoms and matter have been swirling and dancing around space and time for ever. I have no beginning or end. I am a timeless being, reflecting such a small part of all of us; the one, grand, and connected cosmic organism that we know as the observable universe.

I love that I can try to understand this concept of self and my part in everything else but still not even come close to being omniscient. I breathe that notion in for breakfast and exhale the rest of the unknown variables for dessert. I’m okay with all this and I respect the truth that I am limited in many ways right now in this current form.

Maybe one day we will converge into singularity but maybe we won’t, and that to me, is so cool. It gives me a clock to watch, a hand to hold, and a life so worth living presently every second that I can possibly manage.

I am grateful for the ways I find myself getting old and falling apart. I am happy for the limited time I seem to have. But I know deep down inside, that we’ve just scratched the tip of the iceberg with our universal self discernment.

I am here, present, and extremely excited to constantly learn and experience more with what ever time I am given. I am blessed to share my journey with you and to who ever reads the words I write. I am happy to be alive.

One love and namaste.


The way we radiate together,
Is like how the sun glows on the moon.
It is an inseparable truth,
Encased in light and embellished in love.

Tidal splashes of give-and-take,
Waves of ebbs-and-flows,
Commence a beautiful moment of balance,
Forever remembered by an ephemeral flash of light nearly lost in a cosmic explosion.

The feeling of the indescribable,
Entombed with ancient words,
Fighting for an improbable chance,
To give this sensation a proper meaning.

Spring 2023 Florals

These acrylic paintings depict vases filled with vibrant purple and red flowers in abstract styles. The flowers are painted with bold brushstrokes and the colors blend and mix together, creating dynamic and lively compositions. The vases are suggested with subtle lines and shapes, allowing the focus to be on the beautiful flowers. The overall effect is a stunning and expressive display of color and form, evoking a sense of joy and energy.


We must see the vision of innovation,
That we want to manifest in our creation.

Every piece of matter exists brilliantly,
But if you judge one atom as another,
It won’t spin any differently.

The honor found in our mistakes,
Is the most useful tool,
Over the failure to even try.

We are afraid to feel pain,
But the anguish of fear,
Is like a thousand deaths of a desert so dry.

We are only poor if we lack the love we deserve,
The lack of material things isn’t the poverty we need to observe.

Love is an action and the feeling of it is the harvest that we feast.
It isn’t as complicated as we think but as simple as we need.

Changing the way we think is the path to healing,
The remedy to not being able to change what we can’t really.

Finding self happiness,
Comes with the journey,
Of seeking joy with others at last.

If we are so focused with the Universe,
They will allow for peace to be with us,
And to settle the dust of our past.

They give us the energy,
To know when we can build the landscape of serenity,
And reminding us to let go,
When we can’t control,
What dies and grows, indefinitely.

-Christopher Andres Nunez

Salix Song

Rich and courteous man,
We met on a whim in summer sweet.

Roses, poem, and a light plan,
Strolling through the Alphabet streets.

We brushed past our hands,
Crystals, plants, and a resonant peace.

We kissed at the first chance,
Under the ancient Salix tree.

Such a brilliant and budding dance,
A handsome renaissance man inspiring me.

Subtle smiles with a gracious glance,
Freedom never felt so tastefully free.

In the middle of a promised land,
I heard the unstruck frequency.

By the end of the night I felt so grand,
With you in that moment, infinitely.

-Christopher Andrés Núñez

June Tune

Pitter patter,
Rain drops splatter,
Showers of water show me the truth.

We were taught to hate,
But learned to love,
Soul discovered like a sleuth.

Sometimes forgotten,
Some days rotten,
Pain falls out like a tooth.

Cracked and tattered,
Important things matter,
I want that same peace too.

You and I,
Might be the same,
But we all dance to our own tune.

It once was April,
It used to be May,
But now it’s certainly June.

Don’t feed into the bad,
Because that’s just really sad,
I’ll take my grain of salt with a silver spoon.

-Christopher Andrés Núñez

When Push Comes to Love


You’ll never be fixed. That pain in your heart will be there forever. That’s okay. The fear that grips you in the morning when you wake will become your best friend one day.

The immeasurable suffering and anguish you experience is the tether to what’s real. Tangible touch is the express route to the heart. Hope and hate aren’t interchangeable but certainly exchangeable. 

You live on brink of failure; was the risk worth the reward? Even when you’re high, things still seem low. However, I heard that’s the best place to grow. Lay in the soft dirt, dig yourself into the sweet Earth, and ground yourself to the sound of the deepest vibration.

You will be forgotten one day. Your body will rot to dust. Your work will disintegrate into nothingness. The last of the atoms and quarks will dry up and come to a silent halt. But isn’t that beautiful? Doesn’t it make this all so much more precious? When push comes to shove, just remember to choose love.


Resilient Hope



Think hard

Feel peace






Feel green



Tomorrow’s today

Is yesterday’s dream