
Mossterpiece 3
Mossterpiece 1
Mossterpiece 2

As we return to the natural, and become aware of the sacred mindfulness that is a seamless relationship with our environment, we are inclined to follow our biophilic intuitions.

For as long as written human history has been around, there has been evidence of human control of nature. Examples include: cultivation of plants, agricultural practices, and the domestication of nature through land use development.

Plants and fungi have always been the answers to life for me. They have been an answer for my art as well. I hope you enjoy looking at these and analyzing how it makes you feel as much as I did creating them.

Being able to utilize a very chaotic natural material such as moss and frame it, quite literally, in a controlled and linear fashion is a compelling contrast that I need to artistically explore. Not just because it fascinates me due to what I do for work as a landscape designer , but also that it arises from this ancient place that I feel I share genetically with my ancestors.

I hope you enjoy looking at these and analyzing how they make you feel as much as I did composing and creating them. Cheers!

-Christopher Andrés Núñez

Psychedelic Miscellaneous

How do you take the time to find care,
In a world that doesn’t care about us?

What’s the best way about the abacus?
Which way do we wade through the mists of love and lust?

Grays will certainly fill the hair,
And your skin will become dainty dust,

Looks will fade and teeth will rot,
But what is that one thing that we trust?

I’m at the crosshairs of cross roads,
Crossed my brain but didn’t cross my toes.

Only the festered truth deeply knows:
Where the veracious things grow.

Explosively present,
I am the terra firma of feeling content.

Constantly making content,
As a way to pay my social rent.

Because the cost is the price of time,
A timeless way to spend the priceless mind.

-Christopher Andrés Núñez